
Use These 3 Tips to Ace a Virtual Interview

When it comes to landing a new job, it’s important to stand out professionally. This has always been true, but social distancing and virtual meetings have made it more difficult than ever to make a positive impression.

How to Network with Executive Search Firms

As you grow in your career, it’s important to grow your network with you. By the time they’re 45 or 50, most executives will benefit if they have positive relationships with two or three quality search executives. While I encourage these relationships, I’m certainly not saying you should always be looking for a new job. That’s the path to failure!

The Definitive Guide to Recruiting in Good Times and Bad

When economic crisis hits and companies focus on cutting costs—or on their very survival—they slash hiring. But if history is any guide, in the first few months after the upheaval subsides, hiring quickly becomes a front-burner issue.

The Secrets of Great CEO Selection

Nothing good comes of having the wrong CEO. Mentoring, coaching, senior team members with complementary skills, and special help from the board can’t compensate. The misses are devastating—and very public. Yet some boards still pick chief executives who aren’t right for the job—repeatedly. The revolving doors at HP before Meg Whitman, at Apple before Steve Jobs’s second tenure, and at Yahoo during the past decade are only a few of many recent examples!

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